Member-only story
2004 till 2020
2004 was the year I transitioned, back then trans people were hardly visible at all. There has recently been the Goodwin v UK case that brought about the Gender Recognition Act. But that was about it unless there was one on a tv program or in a film for curiosity value.
I knew I had to transition just like most trans people know that is what is needed, for me things sort of lined up perfectly for me to do it back then. So with a huge amount of trepidation, I jumped headfirst into it and after having only been out dressed in public as a woman once just did it. I picked a date, told my family that it was happening and went for it. Probably not the best way to do it but hey who said anything about me being sensible.
I was terrified about what could happen, as a result of me doing this, as my parents didn’t live in the most liberal area of the country. But surprisingly things went fine for me, work was ok with me transitioning I got a few questions that I was happy to answer. Then out in public, there were no real issues from anyone shouting abuse at me or harassing me.
The only real problems I had were actually related to my family. My dad had some major issues for a few years; he would not use female pronouns and dead named me all the time. My sister refused to bring over my niece and nephew if she knew I was going to be at my parents for a few years. Then there was…