Member-only story
A love letter she will never read
Dear darling Bella
It’s just past 6 months since you slipped the bonds of this mortal coil, and changed the lives of so many people with what happened. I sit here at my computer trying to put into words how I feel about you still, and it’s very hard to do.
The love I have for you now is still as strong as when you were here in the room with me, even though I am still equally devastated that you are not here with me and everyone else now. The imprint you made in my life is something that is never going to go away, even in those few short years we had together you have left the biggest mark on me out of anyone I have dated before.
To me you were intoxicating, you were nothing like I had ever felt in my heart or my head about someone ever before. Something about you just encapsulated me and made me want more of you. It didn’t matter what we could be doing be it sitting silently on the sofa watching a film, having a nonsensical conversation or have a deep conversation about life, the universe and existence. It all felt so natural to me and flowed with such ease.
Your presence put me totally at ease and allowed me to show you the real me which not many people get to see because it makes me feel vulnerable but with you that felt fine. It was like we were made for each other, to complement each other and bring the…