Member-only story
I am a bit shocked
Since Bella passed away I have been talking more to my families like my brother and sister and parents and my eldest niece. My brother I try to help him with his BPD diagnosis and try to give him hints and tips that he could try to see if they help him when he has a bad spell. I have lots of experience trying different things to see what helps and share them if they do to help others.
Then once most of the restrictions are lifted I will go and spend a day with him and let him just ask me questions and give him the answers so he can hopefully learn to manage things. Doing it in a lot quicker time than it took me to get to that point; share my wisdom with him because it’s the right thing to do.
My parents, well it is mostly my mum has me call her a few times every day to let her know how I am and tell her what I have been up to. She’s become much more active when it comes to my mental health, as last time I scared her and lots of other people a hell of a lot. She really did think at some point she would lose me as that’s what they were told to prepare for. But I luckily pulled through but now she wants to know what’s happening on that front regularly.
In the past, I would have found such attention overwhelming and would have pushed back against it, but now it’s like an extra layer of protection for me so we can stop things from getting too big before they…