Member-only story
It wasn’t a bipolar relapse starting
For the past three months there had been a lot of tell-tale signs that my bipolar was about to play up, the standard pre-manic signs were all showing up. This time I was being pro-active and asking for help with both my care coordinator and with my GP and it felt like I was fighting an uphill battle. Doing all the right things and asking for help when it felt like it was needed was more frustrating that it should be.
Trying to get sleeping pills to deal with the insomnia was like fighting with one arm tied behind your back, it took multiple contacts with them and even getting my mum involved before they would agree to provide me with some. Even though I was at that point sleeping for at most 5 hours a night, and waking up full of energy ready to deal with the day. Normally a pre-manic sign.
Eventually they did prescribe me with some, a whole 10 to last me a month. But better than nothing and it allowed me to get some goodnights of sleep using them. I then started to notice my concentration starting to lapse and becoming restless and not sure what to do. I was now starting to brace for impact as that traditionally was the start of a manic episode, I thought them making a fuss over the sleeping pills for so long had meant that I had missed the boat at stopping it.