Member-only story
Why I love weighting for my blog
When I first started writing my blog I was living on my own and had very minimal interaction with other people. So my blog became my outlet to the world, where I could express myself through what I decided to write about on that day. It also let me express myself in a way that I wouldn’t do in person, as when I talk to someone I am quite guarded about what I say and don’t do emotional expressions. But my blog gave me the ability to let my guard down and express my emotions if I wanted too.
Once I got into it and weighting about whatever took my fancy that day I also noticed that it was quite therapeutic for me. I had this outlet where I could say just about anything and not have to worry what other people would think, as that always worried me if I were to be that open with people in a face to face setting.
The only other time I had felt this liberated was when I was seeing a therapist once a week, here I had found something very similar to that and I could do it as much or as little as I liked. But with this, I could do it as often or as little as I wanted and I got to decide what I was going to talk about. I could do blog posts about songs I loved and explain why I liked them, or I could post pictures that I had taken, or I could be very serious and share how I was feeling and what my mood was like.